What if William Shakespeare had written a technical guide to blockchain technology?

See Botnik Studios for how this was made. I wrote it with the help of a simple language model created from all of Shakespeare’s known writing. Every word in the sonnet is in there somewhere. It’s a challenge to write accurately about Web 3 without having the words ‘electricity’ or ‘binary’, or ‘crypto-anything’.

Its soul a mage has carved from one and none. 
From light's fleet rushing substance is it made 
What is said is said, what is done is done
The acts of those who would their dues evade
Block by block it serves to bind and chain //
Impartial judge impannelled in a lock
That when once opened, none can close again
The chains that bind are hidden in this block //
So now, no king his oaths can freely break
No prince his trusted promises disdain
Or for his own or for another's sake //
We'll not contract and calculate in vain
But this, unless the leopard change his spots
Is poisoned hemlock for my weaker plots