Warning labels for safe things.

Warning: Consumption of this chocolate may result in a heightened state of pleasure and a possible addiction to its deliciousness.

Caution: Listening to this music may result in an increased sense of motivation and productivity, leading to the completion of a large amount of work.

Attention: Using this moisturizer may cause you to feel extremely confident and radiant, leading to an increased level of attention from others.

Warning: Excessive consumption of this herbal tea may result in a deep sense of relaxation and a possible addiction to its calming effects.

Caution: Wearing these comfortable shoes may result in increased activity levels and a desire to explore the outdoors.

Attention: Using this meditation app may result in an improved sense of mental clarity and focus.

Warning: Playing this video game may result in feelings of satisfaction and accomplishment, leading to a desire to play for extended periods of time.

Caution: Watching this feel-good movie may result in an emotional response, such as increased feelings of happiness or empathy.

Attention: Using this fitness tracker may lead to an overall improvement in your physical health and well-being.

Warning: Reading this inspiring book may result in a renewed sense of purpose and motivation, leading to a desire to make positive changes in your life.